Escuelita Aztlan Saturday School:

This picture is from one of our 2016 Escuelita sessions that took place in Barrio Logan, San Diego.

Escuelita Aztlan is a Saturday school based out of Logan Heights that is focused on educating local high school students from the barrio to strive for cultural and political consciousness. I began participating as a student since I was 12 years old. Participating at such a young age and being surrounded by intelligent and self aware people has played a major role in making me the confident young mujer I am now.

Within the last two years I have stepped back from simply participating in the program as a student into taking on more leadership roles, like assisting the leaders in the organization in activities, taking on roles at events like talking about the organization to other youth and handing out flyers, and participating in panels where people in the neighborhood can attend an event to ask us questions about the program. I have also been on the organizing committee for the annual youth conference.

This is a picture from one of our Escuelita field trips to Border Field State Park along the US/Mexico border.