Like I had mentioned on my community work page, I am an active participant in Escuelita Aztlan. The last session that took place on 11/18/2017 was led by an organization called Anakbayan, a youth and student organization that works toward systemic change for the betterment of Filipin@ people.
The presentation that they prepared for us was amazing. I learned about the socio economic struggles faced by working class people in the Philippines, and what movements are happening in the country. Learning this background information sparked my interest to educate myself more on Filipino history and the struggles they face in the United States.
This is not the first time I had such a great educational experience at Escuelita Aztlan… If it weren’t for the program I wouldn’t have known about many other organizations and the amazing work they do in different communities.
I encourage young people that have any interest in knowing more about themselves and other cultures to attend the next Escuelita Aztlan session that will take place on December 2nd, 2017. The theme of the meeting will focus on “the Education System VS the Prison System”.